매번 빈번하게 사용되는 저장소인 android Preference 유틸리티 이다. 프로젝트에 종속적이지 않으며 단독 사용가능한 유틸리티 클래스

import android.content.Context
import android.content.SharedPreferences
import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager

object PreferenceHelper {
    fun defaultPrefs(context: Context): SharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)
    fun customPrefs(context: Context, name: String): SharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(name, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

    private inline fun SharedPreferences.edit(operation: (SharedPreferences.Editor) -> Unit) {
        val editor = this.edit()

    fun SharedPreferences.remove(key: String) {
        edit() { it.remove(key) }

     * puts a value for the given [key].
    operator fun SharedPreferences.set(key: String, value: Any?)
            = when (value) {
        is String? -> edit { it.putString(key, value) }
        is Int -> edit { it.putInt(key, value) }
        is Boolean -> edit { it.putBoolean(key, value) }
        is Float -> edit { it.putFloat(key, value) }
        is Long -> edit { it.putLong(key, value) }
        else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented")

     * finds a preference based on the given [key].
     * [T] is the type of value
     * @param defaultValue optional defaultValue - will take a default defaultValue if it is not specified
    inline operator fun <reified T : Any> SharedPreferences.get(key: String, defaultValue: T? = null): T
            = when (T::class) {
        String::class -> getString(key, defaultValue as? String ?: "") as T
        Int::class -> getInt(key, defaultValue as? Int ?: -1) as T
        Boolean::class -> getBoolean(key, defaultValue as? Boolean ?: false) as T
        Float::class -> getFloat(key, defaultValue as? Float ?: -1f) as T
        Long::class -> getLong(key, defaultValue as? Long ?: -1) as T
        else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented")


Preference에 넣기

PreferenceHelper.defaultPrefs(context)["PREF_NEVER_ASK_PUSH_AGREEMENT"] = true

Preference에 빼기

val isNaverAskPush = PreferenceHelper.defaultPrefs(context)["PREF_NEVER_ASK_PUSH_AGREEMENT",false]